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Thinking of moving home once lockdown number 67 is over? If you are, why not use this time down time to get your home organised in readiness. That way you can get yourself and your property sale or rental ready for when the time is right. Even if you are not thinking of moving just yet, by using your time during lockdown your home will be perfectly organised, it could just be an early Spring Clean / declutter from Christmas. Here are our top areas to focus on!

Get the Jet Wash Out

Over the winter months with lack of sunlight, cold weather and days and days of rain often turn our paving and decking areas green and slimy! It's such a satisfying feeling to grab the jet wash or hose pipe/stiff brush with some soda crystals and wash away the dirt.

Clear out the garage and shed

In the last 20 years I don't think I can remember the last time I saw a car actually parked inside a garage, Garages and sheds are usually piled high with items that are enroute to the charity shop or "might be needed one day". Crack on and actually empty out these spaces and work out what you really need.

When we do eventually get a dry day and you are at a lockdown loose end dust off and clean up the garden furniture that can now possibly make its way back into the garden? Have a look round and ask yourself what can you get rid of? Does the garden fencing or wooden shed need a paint or minor repair (or even a lick of paint inside your garage) you could use up those half tins of paint that tend to fill the corners of your shed! Have you got kids garden toys that are no longer played with or have been "grown out of"? Put these items to one side to be sold, donated, recycled or taken to the tip once we are through the current climate.

Think about storage, with your newly organised garage or shed space could you add in some extra hooks and shelves to keep things tidier. During a viewing having an organised tidy garage always helps.

Sort out your wardrobe

Declutter the contents of your wardrobe ( I know I really need to do this myself). Apparently the general rule is if you haven't worn it for a year you probably won't wear it again! (I really should practice what I preach, please don't tell my husband this). You could organise your wardrobe seasonally; as the weather gets a little warmer all those thermals could be stored away until Winter perhaps rather than cramming it all in.

Are there items that no longer fit? (ummm... after this lockdown I know this will definitely apply to me). Try your clothes on and decide if items need to go. When hanging the newly sorted clothes back in the wardrobe, organise by colour or type of clothing ie workwear/leisurewear etc. Any items you no longer want or need could be placed on a selling site or donated to a local charity shops when lockdown is lifted.

Designate a desk area for work or school

Depending on what space is available to you in your home and how you work best, find somewhere in your home where you can get organised. If you don't have "office" space at home, you could utilise your spare room, a corner of your bedroom, the dining room table or somewhere in your lounge. Think about whether you need to be near your children to supervise homeschooling, do you work better near natural light, do you need peace and quiet to concentrate or do you work better with background noise from the radio or tv?

Your Fridge

Viewers tend to open integrated appliances, its just a thing, so in preparation for selling or renting your Poole property check what's lurking in there! As a general spring clean check best before and use by dates, take out all removable shelves and salad drawers and give them a thorough wash and wipe down the insides of your fridge.

Put the food back in the fridge, grouping similar items together. You could even create a section of food that needs using quickly before it expires. Reach for this first to avoid waste.

Your kitchen cupboards

Whilst we have a little more time on our hands and we are being advised to shop only for basic necessities it is a great time to get a little more creative and use up what's been hiding in those kitchen corners cupboards!

Empty your cupboards and sort through the items, you may have forgotten you even hadsome items from when you stockpiled last March! Check best before and use by dates and dispose of anything you cannot use.

Whilst your cupboards are empty give the insides and cupboard fronts (don't forget the handles and the top) a a really good wipe down. When putting the items back in the cupboards organise them in a way that works for you (easy to reach in my case). For example; use-by date, how often the item is used or type of product.

Fresh Flowers

The aromas of fresh flowers in a vase when you are viewing a property always makes you and the viewer feel good, if you are selling this spring Daffodils would be my flower of choice, they are inexpensive and add a splash of colour in a neutrally decorated room, yellow is also the colour of 2021 (see the blog post in Jan 2021 about this) !

These are just a few ideas on how you can utilise the lockdown current time to improve your home and garden for yourself or if you are preparing to move. Don't do it all at once, set yourself one or two jobs each day that you would like to accomplish. Make a list and tick off what you manage to get done. It's a great feeling looking at what you have achieved.

If you are thinking of moving home once we are through Covid and you would like more help / guidance on what you can do to prepare your property for selling or letting get in touch with me on 01202 621900 or


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