Not everyone is a pet lover, when it comes to selling or renting your home you need to make sure that the viewer whether a pet lover or not is not put off by the negatives you sometimes get when owning a pet.

If you have a dog like mine then you'll be used to having to clear up as you go, no viewer would like to be met with any little (or in my dogs case - very large) presents in the garden. I recently took a viewer to a house in Upton, the lady loved the house and as we went into the garden she unfortunately stepped in a "present" and walked it back into the property, this was her lasting thought of the property which changed her memory and not surprisingly she didn't want to take it any further. Any damage caused by your pooch i.e. holes dug in your lawn should also be addressed to show your garden in its best light.
In the same breath, having a dog proofed garden or a property within walking distance of a enclosed dog walking field or training ground like Upton Country Park or Frenchs Green is a huge selling point and bodes well with a viewer if they own a pet!
Remove litter boxes, food and water bowls....
ideally dog beds / crates and pet toys should also be stored out of the property to maximise space while viewers are looking around.
Remove Pet Stains and Odours....
Having clean carpets and floors will help no end when it comes to selling your property if you have a pet. Cleaning your property cannot be emphasised enough! The property must be thoroughly cleaned and vacuumed before each viewing. Some viewers have allergies ( in 27 years I have only had one viewer insist that there were no lit candles or plug in air fresheners in the property as she was allergic) or there could be lingering smells you haven’t noticed because you have lived with them for so long and have gone nose blind. Smell can have a powerful effect on us and you don’t want to lose a sale simply because the odour in your home left a buyer feeling negative.
Relocate your pet during viewings.....
unless it is a dog or a cat that is exceptionally well-behaved (definitely not my dog). Remember that if your pet is a snake or a lizard, it may potentially scare a buyer, if they cannot be relocated can you cover up?
